These are my dreams for the year. I wanted to see how I was doing ...
this one is going pretty well. we started getting a CSA box which helps so much. my favorites are fava bean ricotta bruschetta and collard greens. i'm finding lots of new things I love.
wade through a couple thoughtful books on art history
umm, yeah. that is not so much happening.
linger in the stack of delicious unread novels on my bookshelf
again, no reading going on over here.
grow something that my family can eat and share with our friends
tomatoes and strawberries are in pots on our porch. growing. growing. hopefully, we will have a little harvest to share this summer.
pretend with Audrey
we cut out Little House in the Big Woods paper dolls. but we need to do way more pretending together!!
immerse myself in the gospel
i feel like I have dabbled in the gospel. i need a plunge in the deep end.
snuggle with Vivienne
daily, with pleasure
order my photos and make baby books
go to a concert with Jay
tickets for Avett Brothers, bought!
play with my friends
does joining weight watchers with my friends count? no? some room for work here.
take day trips with my girls
not enough ...
adventure in NYC with Audrey
doesn't look like this will happen, but I'm re-imagining some time in cities with my big girl. we have a plan for Chicago and San Francisco this summer.
be intentional at my work
still room for improvement.
plan my days
still feeling like life happens to us. reading a lot about simplicity. hoping and planning for a quiet simple summer.
rejoice always; pray continually
asking the Holy Spirit for a peaceful, joyful spirit.