Monday, April 19, 2010

Consider the lilies


Audrey was supposed to be in 2 weddings this summer. I ordered this dress for her to wear to the events surrounding the weddings. One wedding was postponed, and the other turned out to be pretty casual. The dress arrived today. It is so incredible. I am going to have to invent formal occasions to promote the wearing of it. I feel a formal tea for little girls in our future. It is mette by kristin rasmussen and can be found on etsy.

I really like clothes. Especially children's clothes. And very especially ones made by hand or small designers. I have been hesitant to share many of my thoughts about them because of judgement. I love people to think highly of me, and I know that there are lots of good reasons not to think about and spend money on children's clothing. But, in a small start to a lifelong effort to expunge my approval idol, I hope to share some of the beautiful things I love and why I love them. Like all things, clothes can be very good or very bad and sometimes both good and bad at the same time. And, I'll admit that sometimes I use thinking about them and buying them to cover up bad places in me that God should be filling up and fixing. But, in spite of that, let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater. God provided clothing to Adam and Eve as they left the garden. It was a tender thing. To cover up their shame. To give them back a little of the freedom and dignity they once completely enjoyed in their nakedness. God likes clothes, I think. "Consider the lilies of the field," it says. Aren't they beautifully dressed? Don't worry about what you will wear. God will provide beautifully for you. I think on any budget, whether large or small, and even when using clothes shared among friends, we can make beauty. Not for its own sake, but to glorify the creator of beauty. To mirror the lilies. To show that we are beautifully provided for and given lovely dignity as his created ones.

In my remember

Today when the two of us were alone in the car, Audrey said, "I keep hearing baby Lola's music in my remember." In my remember, I have been hearing my grandmother's voice, smelling the boxwood planted in the numerous gardens of the colonial American historical sites I visited while growning up, tasting the french-cut frozen green beans soaked in the syrup from the pancakes of my favorite childhood meal my dad used to make for me, and the feeling of reading a really thought-provoking academic article or coming up with some wow-idea for an essay or term paper. What is in your remember today?