Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's been a long year

New year resolutions never really come true. They are lists of day dreams that we might work on for a few days or weeks until the grey, cold, drudgery of January swallows them up into reality.

But something about the end of a year and the start of a new one makes me feel hopeful. That change can happen. That I won't fall into the same behaviors that make me too busy, too tired, too chubby, too worried, too late, too overwhelmed. However, after 33 new years, I realize that on my own, even with the most well applied efforts and charting systems, I will be all these things probably before the first week of January is over.

Here are my day dreams anyway. Because it has been a long year. And a girl can dream.

In 2010, I want to

cook simple, tasty meals for my family
wade through a couple thoughtful books on art history
linger in the stack of delicious unread novels on my bookshelf
grow something that my family can eat and share with our friends
pretend with Audrey
immerse myself in the gospel
snuggle with Vivienne
order my photos and make baby books
go to a concert with Jay
play with my friends
take day trips with my girls
adventure in NYC with Audrey
be intentional at my work
plan my days
rejoice always; pray continually

1 comment:

sjeanne said...

May all your lovely daydreams come true!