I am revived now by Gospel. I can't parent in my own strength. I can't garden. But, Jesus can. And he condescends to use me, to infuse me with his strength and power. To do more than I can ask or imagine... (Jesus, I can imagine a lot...)
I feel better, but I am still really sad about my tomatoes. I think they might be dying. So, I decided to think about birthday parties. And I spent some time in a little shop on etsy called Hey Yo Yo. The name was enough to cheer me. And there were striped paper straws. Gingham cupcake papers. Adorable little things to top cakes. Not as satisfying as Gospel, but it made me forget about my tomatoes for awhile. This pretty little fan was pictured in the shop, and it gave me a smile. I like to celebrate and throw pretty little parties.
And after all, I am bound for a place where I am sure that I can grow a happy tomato and feast on it with friends as I celebrate the Creator. There will be no more crying, no more missed nap, no more running to things that can't satisfy. "On Jordan's stormy banks I stand; and cast a wishful eye; on Canaan's bright and happy land; where my possessions lie."